It is known news that Disha Patani and Tiger Shroff are in love. They have spotted together spending quality times on several occasions. But this time Disha Patani was spotted on a dinner outing with Aditya Thackeray not with Tiger Shroff. Is Disha Patani dating Aditya Thackeray? Currently she is being trolled on social media sites. Disha Patani looked gorgeous in a red crop top and a jeans skirt while Aditya Thackeray scion was casual in a yellow T-shirt. Aditya Thackeray is the son of Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray’s son and the grandson of Bal Thackeray and the current president of a youth wing of Shiv Sena called Yuva Sena.
Few comments by the netizens are as follows:
mayanksinha555: Tiger “Zinda” hai ?
bhaumik999: Kiske sath chalu hai pata nai lagta.
dishapatani_the_diva: Also with her friend not only Aditya Thackeray
lookgoodflgood: Politician always have the power
vikas______chauhan: Tiger ka kya hoga
photo_holic786: Tiger zinda hai kya
surajdev4444: Real tiger is thackrey not tiger Disha chalu chiz lagti
shah_mdc: Samjh nai aata iska dinner date karti iske saath ???
valprajj: Maratha Shiv Sena to get Gujarati Daughter in Law?
On the work side, Disha Patani was last seen in Bharat starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, which is running successfully at the box office.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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