We have already reported that the young actor Dulquer Salmaan will play the role of Lieutenant Ram in Hanu Raghavapudi’ directorial venture which is touted to be a period drama. On the occasion of Ram Navami, the makers released a new video introducing the actor’s character. The makers have also introduced the lead actress Mrunal Thakur, who is playing the female lead and she is essaying the role of Sita. Now according to the latest report, Kannada lady Rashmika Mandanna has also been brought on the board in Dulquer Salmaan and Hanu Raghavapudi film Lieutenant Ram, to play extended cameo.
The reports are coming that Dear Comrade and Geetha Govindam actress Rashmika Mandanna has already joined the cast of Lieutenant Ram and has started the shoot of her part.
The film Lieutenant Ram is backed by Swapna Cinema and Vyjayanthi Movies whereas it has the music by Vishal Chandrashekhar. The sources close to the makers of Lieutenant Ram, revealed that they are planning for a foreign schedule.
On the otherside, Rashmika Mandanna is playing the female lead in the upcoming film Pushpa: The Rise which has icon star Allu Arjun in the lead role, under the direction of Sukumar, which is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
from NEWS – Tollywood https://ift.tt/3EMpvxz
We have already reported that the young actor Dulquer Salmaan will play the role of Lieutenant Ram in Hanu Raghavapudi’ directorial venture which is touted to be a period drama. On the occasion of Ram Navami, the makers released a new video introducing the actor’s character. The makers have also introduced the lead actress Mrunal Thakur, who is playing the female lead and she is essaying the role of Sita. Now according to the latest report, Kannada lady Rashmika Mandanna has also been brought on the board in Dulquer Salmaan and Hanu Raghavapudi film Lieutenant Ram, to play extended cameo.
The reports are coming that Dear Comrade and Geetha Govindam actress Rashmika Mandanna has already joined the cast of Lieutenant Ram and has started the shoot of her part.
The film Lieutenant Ram is backed by Swapna Cinema and Vyjayanthi Movies whereas it has the music by Vishal Chandrashekhar. The sources close to the makers of Lieutenant Ram, revealed that they are planning for a foreign schedule.
On the otherside, Rashmika Mandanna is playing the female lead in the upcoming film Pushpa: The Rise which has icon star Allu Arjun in the lead role, under the direction of Sukumar, which is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
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