After targeting Nandamuri Balakrishna, Nara Lokesh and YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mega Brother Naga Babu is back. This time he made sensational comment on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. In the latest video of ‘My Channel – Naa Istam’ Series, Naga Babu targeted none other than CBN and his corruption.
Naga Babu pointed out a statement made by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu in the legislative Assembly – ‘Ee Roju Bharat Desam Motham Meda Okasari Chusthe Avineethi Lo Kani, Abhivrudhi Lo Kani Modato Sthanam Lo Unnam’. The brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan, Nagababu considered Chandrababu Naidu’s words as a riddle. He stated there is only a single truth in development and corruption. He questioned the people to identify which one is true and which one the lie in Chandrababu Naidu’s statement.
Later Naga Babu himself disclosed what it all about – ‘Corruption’ is Truth, and Andhra Pradesh’s development is a Lie. He concluded it by saying no other politician would accept the truth in such a manner.
Recently Naga Babu also posted some videos of YS Jagan wherein YS Jagan appeared to have encouraged an intense corruption in Andhra Pradesh. He also said AP Opposition Chief will eat Andhra Pradesh like biryani if his party YSR Congress forms the government. Naga Babu also appealed the public to decide whether they want someone like YS Jagan or the one who wishes to serve them with utmost sincerity.
from NEWS – Tollywood
After targeting Nandamuri Balakrishna, Nara Lokesh and YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, Mega Brother Naga Babu is back. This time he made sensational comment on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. In the latest video of ‘My Channel – Naa Istam’ Series, Naga Babu targeted none other than CBN and his corruption.
Naga Babu pointed out a statement made by Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu in the legislative Assembly – ‘Ee Roju Bharat Desam Motham Meda Okasari Chusthe Avineethi Lo Kani, Abhivrudhi Lo Kani Modato Sthanam Lo Unnam’. The brother of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan, Nagababu considered Chandrababu Naidu’s words as a riddle. He stated there is only a single truth in development and corruption. He questioned the people to identify which one is true and which one the lie in Chandrababu Naidu’s statement.
Later Naga Babu himself disclosed what it all about – ‘Corruption’ is Truth, and Andhra Pradesh’s development is a Lie. He concluded it by saying no other politician would accept the truth in such a manner.
Recently Naga Babu also posted some videos of YS Jagan wherein YS Jagan appeared to have encouraged an intense corruption in Andhra Pradesh. He also said AP Opposition Chief will eat Andhra Pradesh like biryani if his party YSR Congress forms the government. Naga Babu also appealed the public to decide whether they want someone like YS Jagan or the one who wishes to serve them with utmost sincerity.
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