Trishala Dutt, the daughter of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, got candid during an Ask Me Anything session with her fans and opened up about the mistakes she made during her relationship. The star daughter Trishala Dutt called the relationship ‘Toxic’ and said that the guy used to treat her like trash.
Trishala Dutt wrote on her Insta stories, “This guy I was ‘dating’ a few years ago and I put the word dating in quotes because I was basically dating myself, the guy never gave a sh*t lol but I had to convince him why it would be such a good idea to be together. The long story short he treated me like trash. And everyday I thought ‘he’s just having a bad day’ – ‘Well, he is going through a lot so it’s okay’ ‘maybe tomorrow will be better’. And it never got better and It got worse.”
Trishala Dutt detailed his abusive behavior and further said, “ The guy treated me like sh*t regardless if I stayed home or went out. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. There is a dumba** gif on this thing?”
On the work front, Sanjay Dutt will be seen playing the villain Adheera in Prashanth Neel’ directorial venture KGF: Chapter 2 which has Rocking star Yash and Srinidhi Shetty in the lead roles.
from NEWS – Tollywood
Trishala Dutt, the daughter of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, got candid during an Ask Me Anything session with her fans and opened up about the mistakes she made during her relationship. The star daughter Trishala Dutt called the relationship ‘Toxic’ and said that the guy used to treat her like trash.
Trishala Dutt wrote on her Insta stories, “This guy I was ‘dating’ a few years ago and I put the word dating in quotes because I was basically dating myself, the guy never gave a sh*t lol but I had to convince him why it would be such a good idea to be together. The long story short he treated me like trash. And everyday I thought ‘he’s just having a bad day’ – ‘Well, he is going through a lot so it’s okay’ ‘maybe tomorrow will be better’. And it never got better and It got worse.”
Trishala Dutt detailed his abusive behavior and further said, “ The guy treated me like sh*t regardless if I stayed home or went out. Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. There is a dumba** gif on this thing?”
On the work front, Sanjay Dutt will be seen playing the villain Adheera in Prashanth Neel’ directorial venture KGF: Chapter 2 which has Rocking star Yash and Srinidhi Shetty in the lead roles.
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