Mosagallu starring Manchu Vishnu and Kajal Aggarwal, is an upcoming film, which is inspired by the world’s biggest IT scam that was unearthed in Mumbai a few years ago. Kajal and Manchu Vishnu are masterminds behind this scam. The entire shoot of the film Mosagallu has been completed and now according to the latest update, the makers are planning to release it on 19th March on the occasion of Mohan Babu’ birthday.
The sources say that Manchu Vishnu is planning to make an official announcement regarding the release date of Mosagallu very soon.
Manchu Vishnu starrer Mosagallu is helmed by Jeffrey Chin whereas the music is composed by Sam CS. The film has Ruhani Sharma in the female lead role and she is paired opposite Bollywood actor Suneil Shetty is playing a powerful cop named ACP Kumar in the Pan India film and it is being produced by Manchu Vishnu himself and AVA Entertainment.
Mosagallu marks Diwale fame actor Suneil Shetty’ debut in Telugu film industry and apart from him, the thriller drama also has Navdeep, and Naveen Chandra in key roles.
Meanwhile Mohan Babu is playing the lead role in an upcoming film The Son of India. Recently on the occasion of Republic day, the makers released the first look poster of Mohan Babu from this flick.
from NEWS – Tollywood
Mosagallu starring Manchu Vishnu and Kajal Aggarwal, is an upcoming film, which is inspired by the world’s biggest IT scam that was unearthed in Mumbai a few years ago. Kajal and Manchu Vishnu are masterminds behind this scam. The entire shoot of the film Mosagallu has been completed and now according to the latest update, the makers are planning to release it on 19th March on the occasion of Mohan Babu’ birthday.
The sources say that Manchu Vishnu is planning to make an official announcement regarding the release date of Mosagallu very soon.
Manchu Vishnu starrer Mosagallu is helmed by Jeffrey Chin whereas the music is composed by Sam CS. The film has Ruhani Sharma in the female lead role and she is paired opposite Bollywood actor Suneil Shetty is playing a powerful cop named ACP Kumar in the Pan India film and it is being produced by Manchu Vishnu himself and AVA Entertainment.
Mosagallu marks Diwale fame actor Suneil Shetty’ debut in Telugu film industry and apart from him, the thriller drama also has Navdeep, and Naveen Chandra in key roles.
Meanwhile Mohan Babu is playing the lead role in an upcoming film The Son of India. Recently on the occasion of Republic day, the makers released the first look poster of Mohan Babu from this flick.
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