Sai Dharam Tej has teamed up with Deva Katta for an upcoming film which is titled Republic and the film has Aishwarya Rajesh in the female lead role. The makers of the film Republic have already announced that the film will hit screens on 4th June. A motion poster with the voice of Sai Dharam Tej was also released.
The sources say that Sai Dharam Tej starrer Republic primarily focuses on the three pillars of democracy- legislative, executive and judiciary. Now the latest reports reveal that the story of this film Republic revolves around the Kolleti Lake near Eluru and in this film Sai Dharam Tej will be seen fighting for the conservation of this lake.
Ramya Krishna and Jagapathi Babu will be seen in crucial roles in this film which is being bankrolled by JB Entertainments’ production and it has the music by Mani Sharma.
Earlier during an interview, Sai Dharam Tej had said, “I am playing the role of an IAS officer. I was actually looking for a challenging role to perform and heard this script from the director Deva Katta. This is something that I have never done before so I planned to observe and monitor a few young IAS officers and other bureaucrats to understand the body language required to essay this role.”
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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