Sumanth Ashwin, the son of Telugu actor and producer MS Raju, is all set to tie the knot with a city based girl Deepika and their wedding will take place on 13th February. Now 32 years old Sumanth is going to become the first celebrity from Telugu film industry, who will tie the knot in 2021 on the occasion of valentine day.
The wedding of Sumanth Ashwin and Deepika which will take place in Hyderabad is expected to be an intimate affair and only family members and a few friends are expected to attend it.
Sumanth Ashwin made his debut with Tuneega Tuneega under his father’s direction, which was released in 2012 and later starred in films such as Kerintha and Columbus, directed by debutante R Samala starring Seerat Kapoor and Mishti Chakraborty. He got his first commercial break with the movie Lovers. After playing the protagonist’s role in the sequel to the 2013 film ‘Prema Katha Chitram’, he is currently busy in his upcoming road film titled ‘Idhe Maa Katha’ which has Srikanth, Bhumika Chawla and Tanya Hope in the crucial roles.
On the otherside, his father MS Raju’ previous movie was Dirty Hari, starring Shravan Reddy, Ruhani Sharma and Simrat Kaur which was decent hit.
from NEWS – Tollywood
Sumanth Ashwin, the son of Telugu actor and producer MS Raju, is all set to tie the knot with a city based girl Deepika and their wedding will take place on 13th February. Now 32 years old Sumanth is going to become the first celebrity from Telugu film industry, who will tie the knot in 2021 on the occasion of valentine day.
The wedding of Sumanth Ashwin and Deepika which will take place in Hyderabad is expected to be an intimate affair and only family members and a few friends are expected to attend it.
Sumanth Ashwin made his debut with Tuneega Tuneega under his father’s direction, which was released in 2012 and later starred in films such as Kerintha and Columbus, directed by debutante R Samala starring Seerat Kapoor and Mishti Chakraborty. He got his first commercial break with the movie Lovers. After playing the protagonist’s role in the sequel to the 2013 film ‘Prema Katha Chitram’, he is currently busy in his upcoming road film titled ‘Idhe Maa Katha’ which has Srikanth, Bhumika Chawla and Tanya Hope in the crucial roles.
On the otherside, his father MS Raju’ previous movie was Dirty Hari, starring Shravan Reddy, Ruhani Sharma and Simrat Kaur which was decent hit.
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