Samantha Akkineni‘s Condolence message (tweet) on Nandamuri Harikrishna turned controversial and has become the talk of town. Currently Samantha is facing the ire of Nandamuri Fans. When number of Celebrities from Telugu Film Industry, were sending their condolence messages via their tweet on the demise of Harikrishna, Samantha Akkineni was busy in giving replies to her fans. Today morning, instead of sending condolence message, Nagarjuna’s daughter-in-law Samantha retweeted a couple of tweets that appreciated her style statement and the movie’s success that raised the anger of Nandamuri fans. Later when Samantha made a tweet, she forget to address Harikrishna as Garu or Sir. Samantha tweeted,”#RIPHarikrishna Shocked and saddened. Strength to the family in this difficult time,” Once again Nandamuri fans blasted Samantha Akkineni and asked her to give respect to Harikrishna by adding sir or Garu. Latar Samantha Akkineni deleted her tweet and retweeted, “#RIPHarikrishnaGaru Shocked and saddened . Strength to the family in this difficult time .”
Few Comments which are made by netizens are as follows:
Harshithasam @harshitha4444: First wrong tweet chesaru tharuvatha correct chesukunnaru
RIP Nandamuri HariKrishna garu @TEMPERed_Dude: she dont know it..she was in irumbutirai (abhimanyudu) 100 days function in chennai
Rakshitha_ NTR @Rakshitha_NTR: @Samanthaprabhu2 maam tweeted again with Garu
On the otherside, Nagarjuna shared a pic of him with Harikrishna on his twitter today morning and expressed his shock over Harikrishna’s sudden demise. The makers of Nagarjuna’s Devadas have postponed the song launch of the film. Earlier they had planned to release the first single, ‘Vaaru Veeru’ today but now it has been postponed due to the sad demise of Harikrishna. Aditya Music has confirmed this news via a tweet, “In an Unfortunate Development this morning, Nandamuri Harikrishna Garu passed away after a Road Accident near Nalgonda. Our Deepest Condolences to Nandamuri Family. Due to his sudden demise we are postponing our first single from #DevaDas#RIPHariKrishnaGaru”
#RIPHarikrishnaGaru Shocked and saddened . Strength to the family in this difficult time .
— Samantha Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) August 29, 2018
from NEWS – Tollywood
Samantha Akkineni‘s Condolence message (tweet) on Nandamuri Harikrishna turned controversial and has become the talk of town. Currently Samantha is facing the ire of Nandamuri Fans. When number of Celebrities from Telugu Film Industry, were sending their condolence messages via their tweet on the demise of Harikrishna, Samantha Akkineni was busy in giving replies to her fans. Today morning, instead of sending condolence message, Nagarjuna’s daughter-in-law Samantha retweeted a couple of tweets that appreciated her style statement and the movie’s success that raised the anger of Nandamuri fans. Later when Samantha made a tweet, she forget to address Harikrishna as Garu or Sir. Samantha tweeted,”#RIPHarikrishna Shocked and saddened. Strength to the family in this difficult time,” Once again Nandamuri fans blasted Samantha Akkineni and asked her to give respect to Harikrishna by adding sir or Garu. Latar Samantha Akkineni deleted her tweet and retweeted, “#RIPHarikrishnaGaru Shocked and saddened . Strength to the family in this difficult time .”
Few Comments which are made by netizens are as follows:
Harshithasam @harshitha4444: First wrong tweet chesaru tharuvatha correct chesukunnaru
RIP Nandamuri HariKrishna garu @TEMPERed_Dude: she dont know it..she was in irumbutirai (abhimanyudu) 100 days function in chennai
Rakshitha_ NTR @Rakshitha_NTR: @Samanthaprabhu2 maam tweeted again with Garu
On the otherside, Nagarjuna shared a pic of him with Harikrishna on his twitter today morning and expressed his shock over Harikrishna’s sudden demise. The makers of Nagarjuna’s Devadas have postponed the song launch of the film. Earlier they had planned to release the first single, ‘Vaaru Veeru’ today but now it has been postponed due to the sad demise of Harikrishna. Aditya Music has confirmed this news via a tweet, “In an Unfortunate Development this morning, Nandamuri Harikrishna Garu passed away after a Road Accident near Nalgonda. Our Deepest Condolences to Nandamuri Family. Due to his sudden demise we are postponing our first single from #DevaDas#RIPHariKrishnaGaru”
#RIPHarikrishnaGaru Shocked and saddened . Strength to the family in this difficult time .
— Samantha Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) August 29, 2018
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