Saturday, September 15, 2018

Bigg Bogg Boss 2: Kaushal is Cunning P*rn Star

Bigg Bogg Boss 2: Kaushal is Cunning P*rn StarIn recent episode, Kaushal Manda was seen weeping like a kid when he met his kids after a period of 90 days. It is known news that Kaushal is one of the strong contestant and he is getting the support from Kaushal Army. Neelima the wife of Kaushal Manda also hinted that he has got a huge following. She added that  she was very excited and has no words to express her happiness. On the other-side, few audiences and celebrities are not happy with Kaushal Manada and his Army.  According to few Viewers, Kaushal Manda is most irritating and cunning contestant of Bigg Boss 2 Telugu house, which is being hosted by Nani. Few comments are as follows:

vaishnavi k‏ @vaishnavikx: Kaushal Lanti flipstar,Cunning Star,Sympathy Star,Porn Star,Wig Star,……. Bigg Boss lo undadame,Bigg Boss ki sighichetu #KaushalunfitforBB

Sravya Reddy‏ @SravyaMalapati: Koushal is cunning Coming to his Army..Oh WaitOn a serious note, many Kaushal supporters have been vulgar, sexist and violent. I would b very disappointed to see someone like that represent the success of a democratic country…#KaushalunfitforBB @NameisNani @StarMaa

Sravya Reddy‏ @SravyaMalapai: Koushal is the most irritating contestant In the house Nd season2 ..Kaushal Irritating all contestants so dat he can b targeted and get sympathy from outside..#KaushalunfitforBB @NameisNani @StarMaa @EndemolShineIND

#KaushalArmy2WashAss‏ @ArmyTanish:  Geetha Madhuri was 100% right when she said #K was the reason behind #KaushalArmy tarnishing image of women contestants outside #BiggBossTelugu2 #KaushalUnfitForBB Even @AnchorShyamala said #Geetha will not speak anything if it is not true.All knows in the house it is a paid army

PTM™‏ @LePreetham:  Kaushal needs to be out of the house. He is a total misfit there. He’s destroying the harmony of BB house. #KaushalunfitforBB #BiggBossTelugu2

Sowmithdodda‏ @sowmithdodda: East or west Kaushal is the worst #kaushalunfitforbb #kaushalunfair @StarMaa @NameisNani

Spyder Man ‏ @spyderrmaan:  Kaushal made a huge blunder as sanchalak. His dumbness cost #BiggBossTelugu2 a captain n also deprived immunity for one of the HM’s Plus he cheated by not giving d name when asked “Who was d last one 2 drop d glass?” @NameisNani #NaniStopFavoringKaushal #KaushalUnfitForBB

Anti Kaushal‏ @Kaushalhaters: #Kaushalunfitforbb Does Kaushal even know to read and understand the rules?? He himself is not sure of the rules, and rather keeps torturing the housemates to follow the rules…. @Nameisnani @starmaa @EndemolShineIND

BiggBoss2‏ @biggboss22018: #kaushalunfitforbb He is the one who simply targets strong contestants and project them bad with his senseless logics and use sympathy card for votes

MEENAKSHI‏ @MEENAKS55295395  : Kaushal takes good advices from babu gogineni … but he raised the personal issues of babu gogineni “Emotional Harrasment” #KaushalunfitforBB

from topstories – Tollywood

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