It is known news that Karnataka Crush Rashmika Mandanna is very close to young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda. Both are good friends and they have worked together in two movies- Geetha Govindam and Dear Comrade. On the 50th birthday of Vijay Deverakonda’ mother, Arjun Reddy star took to his Instagram and shared a video, where his mother was seen hitting an amazing shot and raising her cricket bat. Rowdy brothers- Vijay Deverakonda and his younger brother Anand Devarkonda was seen alongside her cheering for their mom on achieving this feat. On the otherside, Dear Comrade girl Rashmika Mandanna took to her Instagram and posted a photograph with Vijay Deverakonda’ mother and wished her happy birthday.
Vijay Deverakonda’ mother’ birthday party was kept simple, which was attended by the family members and close friends. Rashmika Mandanna was also spotted at the birthday party of Vijay Deverakonda’ mother.
Geetha Govindam girl having flown to Hyderabad from Coorg a few days ago, many wondered if she was also present at Vijay Deverakonda home for the celebrations. Vijay Deverakonda also spent the day with his mother before flying out to Mumbai.
On the work front, Rashmika Mandanna was last seen in Venky Kudumula’ directorial venture, the romantic and comedy movie Bheeshma in which she shared the screen space with Nithiin. She will be next seen in Sukumar’s Pushpa.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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