If ongoing buzz in the media and film industry are to be believed, once again Nnadamuri Balakrishna is going to work with KS Ravikumar for an upcoming Telugu project. In past both have worked together for two movies and the latest news is that there are high chances for the combination to repeat for the third time. While one of those movies is Jai Simha which was released in 2018, and it featured three heroines namely lady superstar Nayantara, Haripriya and Natasha Doshi. And the other one is Ruler which arrived at theaters in 2019. Now Balakrishna and KS Ravikumar are getting ready for the hat trick combination.
The reports are coming that recently KS Ravikumar has met Nandamuri Balakrishna and both of them had discussed a storyline.
If everything goes accordingly and Balayya gives his nod, the upcoming project will be formally launched in the next couple of months.
Meanwhile on the work front, Balakrishna is currently working with Boyapati Srinu for an upcoming untitled film #BB3, which is an action entertainer. Balayya Babu will make his screen presence in a dual role. In one of the roles, he will essay the role of an aghora. The name of female lead of #BB3 will be announced when the shoot resumes.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2BxdKiy
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