Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi is running successfully at the domestic box office. The makers are happy with the performance of the movie at the box-office. Maharshi continues to be a prominent presence in the theatres with the film enjoying yet another decent weekend in the theatres and continuing in the race. Maharshi has been doing a steady business at the domestic box office. Though the movie is carrying social message but the movie lovers in the USA are showing disinterest on this Mahesh Babu starrer. But it seems that the US distributors are going to face losses.
Prior to the release, Dil Raju and USA Distributor agreed to share the profit or loss equally. In this territory, the loss is going to be around Rs 2 crore. It means Dil Raju will bear the loss of Rs 1 crore.
The run of Maharshi is going to ended on 30th May because other movies like NGK, Falaknuma Das, Suvarna Sundari, Abhinetry 2 are gearing up for release on 31st May and these movies will occupy the majority of the theaters.
Maharshi is directed by Vamsi Paidipally and is jointly bankrolled by Dil Raju, C. Ashwini Dutt, and Prasad V. Potluri through their production companies Sri Venkateswara Creations, Vyjayanthi Movies, and PVP Cinema.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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