Kollywood star Dhanush is currently busy in his upcoming film Jagame Tantram. Yesterday the UV Creations, which is going to release the Telugu version of Jagame Tantram in Telugu states, took to Twitter handle to release the new poster. It is known news that UV Creations is also bankrolling Prabhas’ film, which is being directed by Radha Krishna Kumar of Jil fame. The fans of Prabhas have been waiting since long for at least a small update from the actor’s home banner UV Creations on his next with Radha Krishna. But when the producers’ official handle released Dhanush’s first look pictures of the film Jagame Tantram, the fans of Prabhas got irked and they started abusing the production house UV creations. Few comments by Prabhas fans are as follows:
Prabhas DHF: #prabhas20 title release cheyyara Tollywood senilanjodka We want #prabhas20 title ra bevacoof @UV_Creations
Mana Prabhas: Rey @UV_Creations Mawa Siggu Undali Ra #Prabhas20 Title Repu Festival Ki Release Chay Mawa E Movie Tharvatha Chusukundam le gani Mawa Reyy
Prabhas Fans: Hyy : @UV_Creations Change The Ur Twitter Header..!!
King Kohli: Prabhas 20 release date announce cheyara badko
Harsha Prabhas: First ma #Prabhas Ana tho cinema tittle ayina ivu raa nayana migta Movies taravataa chusko
Prabhas starrer which has Pooja Hegde in the female lead, is expected to be titled either O Dear or Radhe Shyam. Bollywood actress Bhagyashree is also the part of this periodic drama.
Prabhas 20 release date announce cheyara badko
— KING KOHLI (@phanny__18) February 20, 2020
Title announcement cheyara #Prabhas20 dhi
— Vinay Goluguri (@GoluguriVinay) February 20, 2020
prabhas cinema update ivvu ayaaaa …. cant wait any more please …. kanisam prabhas pooja pic pettu plzzzzz
— Arun rebel (@Arunrebel14) February 20, 2020
#prabhas20 title ivvara gajji lanjakodaka @UV_Creations
— PRABHAS DHF (@TARUNdarling009) February 20, 2020
Credit: Twitter
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